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CoolJarz offers industry-standard flower and edibles packaging in the familiar containers seen at dispensaries nationwide.
Shop NowWe're sure you will find the right fit for your product.
Pricing as low as
$0.095 / Unit Shop NowPricing as low as
$0.077 / Unit Shop NowPricing as low as
$0.108 / Unit Shop NowPricing as low as
$0.238 / Unit Shop NowPricing as low as
$0.273 / Unit Shop NowPricing as low as
$3 / Unit Shop NowAll of the CoolJarz™ packaging pre roll tubes and containers are Made in The USA by none other than ourselves. We provide a factory-direct service based right here in Southern California with no middleman. CoolJarz™ is able to beat prices from abroad because of our top notch efficiency and low shipping costs.
CoolJarz™ ships out all in stock items same business day if ordered before 11am PST.
We have affordable shipping rates through USPS, Fedex, and Worldwide Express Freight.