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Choose sustainablity with our plant-based material, BioMax ™ a carbon neutral alternative to fossil fuel plastics.
Shop NowSustainable
Our material is derived from sugarcane. The process follows harvesting the plant, extracting the sugar, and converting the ethanol from the sugar into a plant-based HDPE.
BioMax™' lowers carbon emissions from its creation to how it is transported. Lower weight equals less energy needed to ship.
BioMax™ containers are fully recyclable, similar to standard jars or bottles. Classified as #2 recyclables, they are among the most widely accepted and easily recyclable materials in the United States.
All of the CoolJarz™ packaging pre roll tubes and containers are Made in The USA by none other than ourselves. We provide a factory-direct service based right here in Southern California with no middleman. CoolJarz™ is able to beat prices from abroad because of our top notch efficiency and low shipping costs.
CoolJarz™ ships out all in stock items same business day if ordered before 11am PST.
We have affordable shipping rates through USPS, UPS, and Worldwide Express Freight.