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Classic CoolJarz Ecolite containers and pre-roll tubes made from 30% post consumer recycled plastic.
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Pricing as low as
$0.097 / Unit Shop NowPricing as low as
$0.109 / Unit Shop NowPricing as low as
$0.115 / Unit Shop NowSustainable
PCR stands for Post-Consumer Recycled plastic, which is material that has been collected, recycled, and reprocessed into new products. The process begins with discarded plastic fed into a grinder, where it’s shredded into small granules to facilitate molding. It is blended with virgin plastic to ensure the strength and integrity of the final product. The material is then molded into new containers. Using PCR plastic significantly reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, making a positive impact on the environmen
CoolJarz reGrind is our blend of PCR polypropylene mixed with virgin polypropylene to maintain it's quality and structure. At this time, it's a 30% blend of PCR plastic to 70% virgin material. Choosing more eco-friendly alternatives to traditional packaging severely reduces carbon emissions and waste. Using PCR plastic is one of the many ways businesses can go towards a more sustainable future.
All of the CoolJarz™ packaging pre roll tubes and containers are Made in The USA by none other than ourselves. We provide a factory-direct service based right here in Southern California with no middleman. CoolJarz™ is able to beat prices from abroad because of our top notch efficiency and low shipping costs.
CoolJarz™ ships out all in stock items same business day if ordered before 11am PST.
We have affordable shipping rates through USPS, UPS, and Worldwide Express Freight.