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Keep your products protected and fresh with our UV-resistant and airtight packaging.
Shop NowOver 100 Different Sizes in Multiple Colors
Tamper-Evident, Air and Water Tight Closure
Lowest Prices in the Industry
FDA-Certified, food-safe, BPA-free materials.
Made in USA. We are the manufacturer.
Our classic plastic screw-top vials came from those looking for an air-tight and odor-free container. These jars were built to keep your products fresh and are UV resistant.
Buy more, save more. We have some of the lowest per unit prices in the industry. Check our convenient pricing tables located on our product listings to see how much you could save.
Our screw-top bottles are each made with FDA approved and BPA-free polypropylene plastic.
Our stock colors come in translucent blue, clear, purple, green, and black.
Screw top containers are available in a variety of stock colors. Custom colors, including color matching, are also available for orders with a minimum order quantity. Customization is our specialty.
With sixteen sizes available, we're sure you will find the right fit for your product.
Pricing as low as
$0.131 / Unit Shop NowPricing as low as
$0.131 / Unit Shop NowIf you want extra protection for your products, we've got you covered.
The Earthwise Packaging Induction Foil Sealing machine is an electromagnetic sealer made to adhere aluminum foil seals to the tops of plastic containers.
Learn moreFoil Seals add another layer of protection for every screw top bottle.
Keeping Oxygen and outside debris out is essential in keeping your products as new as the day they were sealed.
CoolJarz SST shrink band machine takes up only 4 square feet yet significantly increases your company's production. Quickly and efficiently apply shrink bands to your containers in mere seconds.
Learn moreSimply hold the closure with a shrink band within the steam head and watch it as it instantly adheres to your bottle.
Quality Products
All of the CoolJarz™ packaging pre roll tubes and containers are Made in The USA by none other than ourselves. We provide a factory-direct service based right here in Southern California with no middleman. CoolJarz™ is able to beat prices from abroad because of our top notch efficiency and low shipping costs.
CoolJarz™ ships out all in stock items same business day if ordered before 11am PST.
We have affordable shipping rates through USPS, Fedex, and Worldwide Express Freight.
Try before you buy. Order a sample pack to see how your product fits.
All screw-top bottles have the option to include a tamper-evident foil seal and cap.
Yes, both our foil and side seal closure caps are air tight.
CoolJarz is a manufacturer and we offer factory-direct pricing. Bulk discounts are available for all of our screw top bottles. Discounts are based on quantity being purchased.
Yes, the CoolJarz manufacturing facility is located here in Southern California. All of our containers are manufactured and shipped out of our factory in Tustin California.
All sample pack orders placed before 11 AM Pacific Standard Time are shipped on the same day. Orders received after this time are shipped the following day. Our facility in California efficiently handles all shipments, ensuring your sample pack arrives within 2-5 business days, depending on your location.
Yes, all bottles are fully recyclable. They are made from #5 polypropylene plastic, a commonly recycled material. Please check your city's local guidelines for handling #5 recyclables.
The fastest and easiest way to order is to use our Store page on this website. Orders are closely monitored Monday-Friday. In-stock products on orders received by 11am PST/PDT will be shipped same business day.
Our dedicated customer service team is available to assist you with any inquiries. Our office hours are from 7 AM to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time. For prompt assistance, you can reach out to us in two convenient ways:
Email us at [email protected] for detailed inquiries or call our customer service line for immediate assistance.